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Thumb Pianos

Thumb Piano
Thumb Piano

This Thumb Piano has a Koa top with Cherry back and sides and Cherry bridge

Influenced by African traditional designs, my octave and a half 11 tone Thumb Pianos are easy to play. Individual tones are produced by your thumbs pressing down on different lengths of spring steel. Their size is approximately 6" X 9" X 2".  My Thumb Pianos can be tuned to a variety of different tunings. Shown below are the G,D and Eb tunings.  Click on this link to see other tunings. I usually ship instruments in the D tuning.

Thumb Piano G-Tuning
Thumb Piano - G - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00
Thumb Piano D-Tuning
Thumb Piano Tuning
Thumb Piano - Eb - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

Two vibrato holes are located on each side of the Piano. Tuning can be adjusted by moving the metal pieces forward or back. The pianos can be very effectively amplified by installing  piezo pickup inside the instrument with a jack on the back rail.  This pickup is installed when building a thumb piano so you will need to order a custom instrument if you desire this feature.


This instrument is rhythmic, often used in combination with percussion instruments. I recommend having some fingernail on your thumbs for the best sound.  You can play melodies but that is not its strength. African musician Kinobe demonstrates how it can be used in combination with voice in this video. 

Thumb Piano

Vibrato hole (there are two)

Thumb Piano pickup

1/4" phone jack to piezo pickup



  • All Thumb Pianos regardless of the woods are $75 plus $15 shipping

  • Installed piezo pickup adds $35.

  • Zither soft case (which will work with my Thumb Pianos) $25


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